CYP1A1 Gene Detail
The CYP1A1 gene encodes for a cytochrome P450 enzyme that is found in phase 1 detoxification. The enzyme will convert toxins to activated intermediates that can be potentially harmful. Cytochrome P450 enzyme is one of the main extra-hepatic enzymes that has the ability to metabolize both exogenous and endogenous compounds into their carcinogenic derivatives. In addition, CYP1A1 is involved in the oxidative metabolism of oestrogens, which may play a critical role in the aetiology of breast and prostate cancer.
Adapted from Hodges R.E. & Minich D.M. (2015) Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.
CYP1A1 Ile462Val A>G
- GG genotype is associated with increased enzyme activity therefore, faster phase 1 detox.
- This results in elevated levels of activated intermediate metabolites which bind to the DNA and may lead to DNA adducts and subsequently DNA damage.
- The association between this SNP and cancer has been well documented.
- Risk allele = G
CYP1A1 Msp C>T
CC genotype is associated with increased enzyme activity therefore, faster phase 1 detox.
This results in elevated levels of activated intermediate metabolites which bind to the DNA and may lead to DNA adducts and subsequently DNA damage.
CC genotypes can increase the development of several types of cancer, especially amongst smokers.
Risk allele = C
- Reduce exposure to all diet and environmental procarcinogens.
- Encourage a dietary intake that is rich in phytonutrients. Food sources containing resveratrol, green tea, quercetin and curcumin have been shown to be beneficial.
- Attention should be paid to optimising phase 2 detoxification.
Cytochrome P450 1A1 gene polymorphisms and cervical cancer risk
Ding et al, 2016