DNA Oestrogen
The DNA Oestrogen test is a nutrigenetics test that reports on gene variants that have an impact on how oestrogen is processed in the body and gives insight into whether the processing of oestrogen and related compounds, is efficient and healthy.
Considerable inter-individual variability has been observed in carcinogen metabolism, metabolism of steroid hormones, and phase I and phase II detoxification. Variations in genes involved in these biological processes, help identify a sub-population of women and men with higher lifetime exposure to oestrogens, oestrogen metabolites and other carcinogens.
The DNA Oestrogen test guides the personalisation of diet, hormone and nutritional supplementation recommendations to improve oestrogen metabolism.
DNA Oestrogen
When To Use it?
Research has shown that an increased lifetime exposure to oestrogen and unbalanced oestrogen metabolism is a strong risk factor in the development of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, as well as oestrogen dominant disorders, such as endometriosis and premenstrual syndrome.
The DNA Oestrogen test is recommended for both men and women with a strong family history of breast, ovarian, colon or prostate cancer, women suffering from oestrogen dominant conditions, women considering oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, bio-identical supplementation, those considering in vitro fertilisation or those who have been diagnosed with oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.
DNA Oestrogen
How To Read The Report
The DNA Oestrogen report has 4 main components:
- Summary of gene results
- Oestrogen metabolism and detoxification pathway infographic
- Gene and genotype specific content
- Nutrition guidelines for improving oestrogen metabolism
We will look into each section in more detail.
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Summary Of Results Table
The summary of gene results is displayed in a table format. The table is arranged with the first section relating to phase 1 detoxification, the second section relating to phase 2 detoxification and the third section to thrombosis risk.
Below the table, the compounding risk of the genes analysed is reported, indicating whether there are oestrogen metabolism insuffiencies or not, and whether or not added support would be required.
The summary results table reports on the gene name, the genetic variation, your result and the gene impact.
Gene Name
In the “gene name” column, the gene name is listed. Further on in the report, the full name of the gene is given and describes the protein for which it encodes.
Genetic Variation
The “genetic variation” column provides the name of the specific variant that is being analysed. The name of the variant is given according to that found in the literature.
Your Result
In this column, the patient’s genotype result is given, according to what was analysed in the laboratory.
Gene Impact
The gene impact column will reflect an impact factor based on the patient’s genotype result. This impact factor could either be a ‘beneficial impact’ (designated by a tick), a ‘no impact’ (a clear circle), ‘low impact’ (one coloured circle), a ‘moderate impact’ (two coloured circles) or a ‘high impact’ factor (three coloured circles). The impact factor is a qualitative assignation by the laboratory, assigned based on the literature available. The ‘no impact’ factor means that, based on that genotype, the gene should be encoding for a ‘normal’ functioning protein and thus there is no change in intervention based on that genotype. When the impact factor is a moderate or high impact, it means that the genotype has been related to an altered function/expression of the protein and thus an increased risk for a weakness in the corresponding biological pathway and an intervention must be personalised.
It is important for the practitioner to take note of the areas where there are moderate and high impact factors. The moderate and high impact factors indicate a higher risk carried by that specific genotype due to the influence that genotype has on the expression of the gene and thus potentially imbalancing the oestrogen detoxification pathway.

Oestrogen Metabolism And Detoxification Pathway
The oestrogen metabolism and detoxification pathway is included in the report to provide a basic visual aid of the pathway. It can be used as a tool by the practitioner to mark-up where there might be altered metabolism of enzymes due to genetic variation that is reported on in the summary of gene results.
Test Result
This section provides the practitioner, and the patient with further information regarding each gene being tested, the possible implications of the variant on the gene, as well as the patients’ genotype specific information and recommendations.
Gene Information
The DNA Oestrogen report provides the practitioner (and patient) with detail of each gene tested. In this section, the gene being tested is described in more detail, thus offering insight to the importance of the gene in the biological pathway and its relevance to oestrogen metabolism.
Your Result
In this section, the DNA Oestrogen report will provide the genotype result of the client and, when there is a variant detected that leads to a change in how it may affect an individual’s oestrogen metabolism and health, a description of the relevance of the variant will be given. Actionable, genotype specific information to intervene appropriately is also given.

Nutrition Guidelines
This page provides useful guidelines and recommendations for specific nutrients to be considered to improve the balance of oestrogen detoxification, especially when an individual carries combinations of risk genotypes requiring increased support.